Who am I? How do I work? How did I get here?

When I was about 10 years old, I told my parents that I wanted to create meaningful things. Meaningful meant three things to me: it had to be functional, beautiful and especially, desirable. If only I'd known that I'd discovered the sweet spot of product design so early in life. 😅

Fast forward my entire life, I started with a passion for building physical products and I began studying Industrial Design - this helped me a lot to understand all the factors and implications that must be considered when building a new product. After a year, I've moved rapidly on the digital side and I began to create interfaces for these physical products. I became more interested in human-computer interaction. Since then, I've been focused on digital product design, with a particular emphasis on user experience (UX).


Who am I? How do I work? How did I get here?

When I was about 10 years old, I told my parents that I wanted to create meaningful things. Meaningful meant three things to me: it had to be functional, beautiful and especially, desirable. If only I'd known that I'd discovered the sweet spot of product design so early in life. 😅

Fast forward my entire life, I started with a passion for building physical products and I began studying Industrial Design - this helped me a lot to understand all the factors and implications that must be considered when building a new product. After a year, I've moved rapidly on the digital side and I began to create interfaces for these physical products. I became more interested in human-computer interaction. Since then, I've been focused on digital product design, with a particular emphasis on user experience (UX).


Who am I? How do I work? How did I get here?

When I was about 10 years old, I told my parents that I wanted to create meaningful things. Meaningful meant three things to me: it had to be functional, beautiful and especially, desirable. If only I'd known that I'd discovered the sweet spot of product design so early in life. 😅

Fast forward my entire life, I started with a passion for building physical products and I began studying Industrial Design - this helped me a lot to understand all the factors and implications that must be considered when building a new product. After a year, I've moved rapidly on the digital side and I began to create interfaces for these physical products. I became more interested in human-computer interaction. Since then, I've been focused on digital product design, with a particular emphasis on user experience (UX).


A snippet of my process (the research part)

If you want to understand more my process, you can see the process diagram here (it's a Miro board). If you're not convinced, let me put here some more screenshots. It's huge - but it's the full version, with all the methods.

A snippet of my process (the research part)

If you want to understand more my process, you can see the process diagram here (it's a Miro board). If you're not convinced, let me put here some more screenshots. It's huge - but it's the full version, with all the methods.

A snippet of my process (the research part)

If you want to understand more my process, you can see the process diagram here (it's a Miro board). If you're not convinced, let me put here some more screenshots. It's huge - but it's the full version, with all the methods.

*the UX process* - Nope, it's not visible on mobile unless you click on it to see it fullsize in Miro


A holistic view of who I am (professionally)

I consider myself quite well-rounded 🧐 . I like to say that I do Product Strategy and UX/UI Design - it's a thin line between those two disciplines, and it's intentional.

  • I do design for more than a decade years. 'till 2016 as a freelancer (from idea to launch). After that, I've worked with/at/for various companies.
  • Since 2018 I've been active in the AI/ML/automation field. Firstly, as a computational designer. Then I've worked and developed digital products that had an AI layer.

  • I like to talk. Sometimes I speak at conferences - watch my talk about design ethics here.

*the UX process* - Nope, it's not visible on mobile unless you click on it to see it fullsize in Miro


A holistic view of who I am (professionally)

I consider myself quite well-rounded 🧐 . I like to say that I do Product Strategy and UX/UI Design - it's a thin line between those two disciplines, and it's intentional.

  • I do design for more than a decade years. 'till 2016 as a freelancer (from idea to launch). After that, I've worked with/at/for various companies.
  • Since 2018 I've been active in the AI/ML/automation field. Firstly, as a computational designer. Then I've worked and developed digital products that had an AI layer.

  • I like to talk. Sometimes I speak at conferences - watch my talk about design ethics here.

*the UX process* - Nope, it's not visible on mobile unless you click on it to see it fullsize in Miro


A holistic view of who I am (professionally)

I consider myself quite well-rounded 🧐 . I like to say that I do Product Strategy and UX/UI Design - it's a thin line between those two disciplines, and it's intentional.

  • I do design for more than a decade years. 'till 2016 as a freelancer (from idea to launch). After that, I've worked with/at/for various companies.
  • Since 2018 I've been active in the AI/ML/automation field. Firstly, as a computational designer. Then I've worked and developed digital products that had an AI layer.

  • I like to talk. Sometimes I speak at conferences - watch my talk about design ethics here.

  • 6 years ago I've started to develop an interest in business. I co-founded two startups 🚀 (this one, and this one), got UE financing for one of them, and learned lots of things the hard way: from marketing to branding, to providers and revenue streams.
  • HCI is an important factor in my work. Sometimes I also write papers 📝 about what I research. In 2019 I've published a paper at DIS (A level conference) and presented it in San Diego. I'm always keeping an eye on the academia world.
  • I am actively involved in education ✒️. I was an associate professor at USV, teaching bout UX/UI and the collaboration between designers and engineers. I've started to organize events and workshops to raise awareness on subjects where information is not that accessible or popular in the local community. My focus is to raise awareness on topics as ethics, AI/ML design, digital sustainability and soft skills development.
  • In the past 4 years I've coached people who wanted to transition from various disciplines to product design 🤟. I believe in a culture of shared knowledge, and because of that, I started working on setting up a guide for how to do start doing UX/UI and a mentoring program. Meanwhile, you can talk to me or read my reviews from my mentees on ADPList.
  • I know HTML and CSS 🖥 . I have a very deep understanding of UI development. I don't code, but I have experience with visual scripting
  • sometimes I 3D model and 3D print stuff. I also 3d modelled my house 🏠 so I can freshen it up in real life and iterate in the digital one. Random stuff: I've 3D modelled once a pair of shoes
  • In 2019 I've been chosen by The Next Web and Accenture as one of the top 500 most talented under-26s the in the digital scene in The Netherlands 💪
  • I'm an advocate of Calm tech and emojis 💆
  • 6 years ago I've started to develop an interest in business. I co-founded two startups 🚀 (this one, and this one), got UE financing for one of them, and learned lots of things the hard way: from marketing to branding, to providers and revenue streams.
  • HCI is an important factor in my work. Sometimes I also write papers 📝 about what I research. In 2019 I've published a paper at DIS (A level conference) and presented it in San Diego. I'm always keeping an eye on the academia world.
  • I am actively involved in education ✒️. I was an associate professor at USV, teaching bout UX/UI and the collaboration between designers and engineers. I've started to organize events and workshops to raise awareness on subjects where information is not that accessible or popular in the local community. My focus is to raise awareness on topics as ethics, AI/ML design, digital sustainability and soft skills development.
  • In the past 4 years I've coached people who wanted to transition from various disciplines to product design 🤟. I believe in a culture of shared knowledge, and because of that, I started working on setting up a guide for how to do start doing UX/UI and a mentoring program. Meanwhile, you can talk to me or read my reviews from my mentees on ADPList.
  • I know HTML and CSS 🖥 . I have a very deep understanding of UI development. I don't code, but I have experience with visual scripting
  • sometimes I 3D model and 3D print stuff. I also 3d modelled my house 🏠 so I can freshen it up in real life and iterate in the digital one. Random stuff: I've 3D modelled once a pair of shoes
  • In 2019 I've been chosen by The Next Web and Accenture as one of the top 500 most talented under-26s the in the digital scene in The Netherlands 💪
  • I'm an advocate of Calm tech and emojis 💆
  • 6 years ago I've started to develop an interest in business. I co-founded two startups 🚀 (this one, and this one), got UE financing for one of them, and learned lots of things the hard way: from marketing to branding, to providers and revenue streams.
  • HCI is an important factor in my work. Sometimes I also write papers 📝 about what I research. In 2019 I've published a paper at DIS (A level conference) and presented it in San Diego. I'm always keeping an eye on the academia world.
  • I am actively involved in education ✒️. I was an associate professor at USV, teaching bout UX/UI and the collaboration between designers and engineers. I've started to organize events and workshops to raise awareness on subjects where information is not that accessible or popular in the local community. My focus is to raise awareness on topics as ethics, AI/ML design, digital sustainability and soft skills development.
  • In the past 4 years I've coached people who wanted to transition from various disciplines to product design 🤟. I believe in a culture of shared knowledge, and because of that, I started working on setting up a guide for how to do start doing UX/UI and a mentoring program. Meanwhile, you can talk to me or read my reviews from my mentees on ADPList.
  • I know HTML and CSS 🖥 . I have a very deep understanding of UI development. I don't code, but I have experience with visual scripting
  • sometimes I 3D model and 3D print stuff. I also 3d modelled my house 🏠 so I can freshen it up in real life and iterate in the digital one. Random stuff: I've 3D modelled once a pair of shoes
  • In 2019 I've been chosen by The Next Web and Accenture as one of the top 500 most talented under-26s the in the digital scene in The Netherlands 💪
  • I'm an advocate of Calm tech and emojis 💆

Schedule a meeting with me and let's talk about [insert subject]


My values, in short

Knowledge sharing, transparency, punctuality, honesty and dedication.
When it's about work or things that I create, I care to be: meaningful, ethical, sustainable, reliable and traceable.

Alexandra - the person when not working

Well, first of all - thanks for your patience. I talk a lot and I also write a lot. However, if you're still reading this, here are some random facts about me:
  • I got two cats: Oliver 😺 & Luna 🌒. They are a bit fat but really cute
  • Not very modest, but I think I'm funny 😝
  • I love to travel. My next destination: Tokyo, Japan. 🍣 I need to find another one.

  • I bike. I bike. I bike. 🚴
  • You can easily buy me with good food 🍲. I love trying food from different parts of the world. 


Finally, the last sentence. Wanna talk? Reach out to me on Linkedin.

Schedule a meeting with me and let's talk about [insert subject]


My values, in short

Knowledge sharing, transparency, punctuality, honesty and dedication.
When it's about work or things that I create, I care to be: meaningful, ethical, sustainable, reliable and traceable.

Alexandra - the person when not working

Well, first of all - thanks for your patience. I talk a lot and I also write a lot. However, if you're still reading this, here are some random facts about me:
  • I got two cats: Oliver 😺 & Luna 🌒. They are a bit fat but really cute
  • Not very modest, but I think I'm funny 😝
  • I love to travel. My next destination: Tokyo, Japan. 🍣 I need to find another one.

  • I bike. I bike. I bike. 🚴
  • You can easily buy me with good food 🍲. I love trying food from different parts of the world. 


Finally, the last sentence. Wanna talk? Reach out to me on Linkedin.

Schedule a meeting with me and let's talk about [insert subject]


My values, in short

Knowledge sharing, transparency, punctuality, honesty and dedication.
When it's about work or things that I create, I care to be: meaningful, ethical, sustainable, reliable and traceable.

Alexandra - the person when not working

Well, first of all - thanks for your patience. I talk a lot and I also write a lot. However, if you're still reading this, here are some random facts about me:
  • I got two cats: Oliver 😺 & Luna 🌒. They are a bit fat but really cute
  • Not very modest, but I think I'm funny 😝
  • I love to travel. My next destination: Tokyo, Japan. 🍣 I need to find another one.

  • I bike. I bike. I bike. 🚴
  • You can easily buy me with good food 🍲. I love trying food from different parts of the world. 


Finally, the last sentence. Wanna talk? Reach out to me on Linkedin.